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What are Rendering Designs?

The rendering design is evolving really rapidly. Things in the design technology have evolved a lot over the past few years. And, thanks to their popularity, breakthroughs like VR and AR are happening almost every single day. Now, instead of just implementing this visualization in gaming and other leisure industries, experts have started using them more practically. These practical application are helping to increase efficiency in several workspaces. And, a certain type of experts that are really profiting off of visualization are architects.

Basically, 3D rendering is turning the traditional blue-prints into immense visual experiences. This visual experience can allow the clients and users to step inside their own residence. All of this is done before even a single brick is laid down on that piece of land. On the same time, rendering allows architects to easily shape out the rough edges of their design. This enables them to come up with something much more visually astounding than they could with 2D blueprints.

The reason why we feel that rendering design is such a good idea is because it opens up the minds of the architects. It permits their creativity to flow without any sorts of restriction. Once they’re able to witness everything before their eyes, they can clearly see which parts of the structure require modifications to become more aesthetic. They can self-evaluate their own designs impeccable and become proactive to fix complaints that they’re certain the client will make. Thus, rendering designs allows you to take your game to the next level. You will create something that won’t only satisfy the client, but also make you proud of your design.

This is just the tip of the iceberg. There are so many ways that rendering design can influence the whole design phase. Let’s talk about that in more detail.

1. Take a Peek Under the Hood

With the help of visualization and some modern tools like VR Glasses, architects can literally step inside the structure they’re going to create. They could potentially open the front door and eat lunch at the table in the dining room. There’s absolutely no limit to the amount of activities they can perform inside a household that doesn’t even exist at the moment. This permits them to get a deeper sense of their household by stepping into the shoes of the person that’s going to be living inside it. The whole thing does seem like a waste of time, but by immersing yourself in your design, you’re able to rectify designs way before the client is able to point them out. Long story short, rendering design fully enables you to blow your client clean out of the water with the very first iteration of their household.

architectural rendering services

2. Helps One Party Understand the Ideas of the Second

Architects often have to directly collaborate with clients to construct designs. If you’ve ever had to go through this process, you’d know how difficult it can be. On one side, there’s an architect with a decade worth of education and experience in his field. And, on the other, there’s a non-technical person that has no idea why roofs are sometimes inclined at angles. To be blunt, if the architect spoke his language, it would sound the same to the client as if he was speaking Latin. However, 3D rendering acts as a translator that projects the ideas of the architect visually on a piece of paper and lets the client read off this information off the same piece of paper. Rendering designs provides a common ground that both the architect and the client can fully comprehend.

restaurant viceroy restaurant rendering

3. Getting Different Perspectives

With 2D designs, the client can only view the design in aspects that that you meant for them to see. So, there’s a good chance that once the construction is complete and they see the premises in a different perspective, they might just have a frown on their face. Obviously, once construction is done, you have no obligation to them as they approved your blueprints a few months back.

But, if you’re in it for customer satisfaction, there’s isn’t a more hurtful sight than a person who just spent his entire life’s earning on something he’s not even happy with. 3D rendering designs allows the person to check out the premises from any perspective he / she wants. The designs can give them the capability to witness their future home in every angle they want. If there are any problems, the customer can get the required changes before construction start. And, indirectly, this small change to the design process could create a structure for your client that they treasure for the rest of their life.

house rendering styles

4. Easy to Learn Rendering Design

You might be thinking that rendering designs is some extremely complicated process. Well, you aren’t wrong, but it’s not something that requires extensive knowledge of the software. The rendering softwares in the market today are surprisingly simple to use. And, unless you need some huge changes to the design, you won’t need to contact an expert. Any architect is able to make minor and somewhat major changes to the design without having to employ any external help.

3d artist architecture

5. Takes Group Collaboration to the Skies

Like we talked a little earlier, it’s difficult for a technical user to understand the requirements of the non-technical individual. However, this isn’t a 100% accurate. As a matter of fact, 2D designs can sometimes be so inefficient that even another architect could have trouble understanding what the main architect constructed on that blue paper.

This ends up creating that same language barrier among your own construction team. In order to remove the possibility of any mistakes because of this barrier, you can use rendered images to give everyone a visual experience of what’s inside that brain of yours. Hence, allowing your team to fully comprehend the ideas swimming in your head.

interior design rendering

6. Saves the Client Money

What’s the one definite way of making a client happy? If you can help save a customer some cash, that directly transfers into the utmost level of customer satisfaction. The thing is that 2D blueprints are prone to errors. Even if a client has seen, understood and approved them, there’s still a chance that he / she might not be happy with what they see. So, now they have to start paying extra to the construction company to have them redo that certain aspect of the building.

This could mean anything from a couple extra hundred, to thousands of dollars in do-over receipts. If you want to keep the client from wasting all that precious money that he may not even have after his invaluable investment into his future home, you should use rendering design. It will eliminate the possibility of requiring changes after construction has begun and save the client, and sometimes even you, to save a ton of money.

3D Interior Design Studio

7. Time Efficient

Let’s consider the possibility that the client does a number of changes. We’re also supposing that he will indeed be happy with the building after approving the blueprint. The architect and the client go back and forth and back and forth. The client requests the change, the architecture makes it and this process is repeated at least 5-10 times. Every single time, the architect will have to remake the blueprints.

Even though these major changes will prevent the client from wasting money, but it’ll still waste a valuable resource, time. The design phase will end up taking several weeks, months even. If you want to avoid all of this, you can simply render a design. Changes can be made on the fly in just a few minutes of the client requesting the change. Hence, with the help of 3D rendered designs, you’d be saving yourself a whole lot of time.

Closing Thoughts

Renderings designs is one of the most productive strategies you can introduce in your design phase. It makes the whole thing so much more smoother as opposed to the whole process without it. Rendering design will save you time, save the client money, create something that both parties will feel proud of. This will all help you generate the utmost level of customer satisfaction. If you’ve ever found yourself struggling with any of these problems, Rendering design can fix all of them. So, the only thing left to say is why are you still waiting? There’s no reason to miss out on rendering design as it could prove out to be that one thing that propels your architecture business to the next level and a completely new era. Keep this in mind that architectural rendering price vary by its quality.

(More Architectural Rendering Videos here)